Theres a lot more photos to be uploaded but here's a shot of the opera house to prove we did finally make it to sydney - we've had an awesome 2 months here I'll get all the photos up soon hopefully (I've got about 300 of fish now from Cairns too!)
Kate took us on a tour of the mountains which was awesome we went for a walk down to see some of the waterfalls and look over all the mountains.
After 5 days in Sydney we headed up to the blue mountains to stay with Marty and Kate and their little boy Alyias. Kate took us on a walk to 'engagement point' just a little walk from their house where Marty proposed. Below us is vast green bush land which we went down for a bit of a bush walk but we were a bit scared of snakes!
Our first day in Sydney so what did we do... headed straight for the opera house! unfortunately we got off at the wrong train stop walked for miles and then it was overcast and rainy so we didn't fall in love with Sydney straight away - we also decided to stay in the cheapest hostel in Sydney called Chilliblue which was a bit dubious to put it nicely - probably one to miss if you head to sydney! This is me trying not to fall asleep.
More nightscapes of Melbourne from our final walk along the river.
Our last night in Melbourne so we walked along the Yarra into town to say one last goodbye - its a pretty impressive nightscape.
Us with Connor from Neighbours - not one of the biggest names but thankfully he was in the show about 5 years ago when I was at Nottingham so I knew who he was!
The Ramsey Street sign just to prove we've been there! just behind us there a security guard who has to stay there 24hrs because so many people come to visit the street!
Thats our group on the tour along the great ocean road in the back's a rock formation called London Bridge - a couple of years ago it fell down so on route in the minibus we had the compulsory 'london bridge is falling down....' played to us!
Us in our first rainforest of Australia! we went on a bush walk along the great ocean road and this is us chilling out at the base of one of the many huge trees!
Dispite my face this was really fun! The parrots love some little black seeds the tour guide gave us so they'd come down and eat it from you - just before this photo was taken I was definitely smiling but not sure what happened....
Us at the beginning of our trip up the great ocean road - the tour guide took this photo and she wouldn't take it unless we did a pose - apparently this was the best I could do!
Me sitting in the speakers chair at parliament in Melbourne's House of Lords - Charlotte was having a bit of a nightmare with the camera I went up twice so we could take the photo and this is the best one! there was a bit of a queue to sit in the chair and I wasn't sure what they'd think about going up a third time just to get that perfect photo!
Melbourne's Contemporary Art Museum with the originals of Katsushika Hokusai's 'Pilgrims on the road to Mount Fiji' - they also had a bit of an odd contemporary video of people sawing up surfboards which was wierd but sort of compulsive viewing...
Murray getting oh so close to winning the autralian open ! We were sat in federation square melbourne with a couple of thousand other tennis fans which was awesome I really thought murray was going to take it into at least a 4th set but somehow federer won in straight sets... again!
I've just managed to get Charlotte's pictures so I'll try and upload them all if I can starting with a better picture of the war memmorial just outside Melbourne.